Convert an Essay into a Discussion with an AI Chatbot

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to convert a traditional, written assessment into an AI-resistant discussion task. To get started, simply replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Convert to Discussion Prompt

Act as an experienced [GRADE LEVEL / CONTENT AREA] teacher, skilled at designing authentic assessments based on durable skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Help me redesign an assessment for my students. In the past, students have written an essay to demonstrate their understanding of [TOPIC OF STUDY]. Your task is to convert the essay assignment into a discussion assignment in which students will participate in a small group discussion of the topic and then write a reflective essay summarizing the discussion. The goal of this assignment is to help me gain an understanding of the students’ conceptual understanding of [TOPIC OF STUDY]. Include detailed assignment instructions and a grading rubric formatted as a table for the reflective essay.

Example Prompt

Act as an experienced high school English teacher, skilled at designing authentic assessments based on durable skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Help me redesign an assessment for my students. In the past, students have written an essay to demonstrate their understanding of the major themes in The Great Gatsby. Your task is to convert the essay assignment into a discussion assignment in which students will participate in a small group discussion of the topic and then write a reflective essay summarizing the discussion. The goal of this assignment is to help me gain an understanding of the students’ conceptual understanding of the major themes in The Great Gatsby. Include detailed assignment instructions and a grading rubric formatted as a table for the reflective essay.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Ask the chatbot to structure the discussion with prompts for students who may need support with participating in an open-ended conversation.

  • Prompt the chatbot to suggest appropriate modifications and accommodations for students with specific learning needs.

  • Generate a list of tips for engaging in a respectful and productive discussion for students, including sentence frames such as, “I agree with you, because…”

  • Use an existing lesson plan or assignment sheet as the basis for the prompt, either by uploading a file or copy/pasting text directly into the chatbot below the prompt.

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